Monday, April 13, 2009

Should Hillary send Rush a fruit basket THANK YOU for giving her Texas and Ohio?

Actually, fruit baskets wouldn%26#039;t be the way to go if you wanted to thank someone. Fruit baskets are more of an obligatory gesture made by someone who really doesn%26#039;t know anything about the gift recipient. Now, I don%26#039;t know Rush personally, but if I had to guess his style of %26#039;Thank You Basket%26#039;, he is more of a %26#039;Summer Sausage and Cheeses from around the World%26#039; kind of guy. And if Rush is doing anything, he is throwing a curve ball into Rove%26#039;s mission of taking Hillary down.

Should Hillary send Rush a fruit basket THANK YOU for giving her Texas and Ohio?
I think she should go and plant a big wet one on him.

Reply:Send him some pork rinds...he eats his own.

She should send him a watch.
Reply:Rush advised many republicans vote for Hillary because she%26#039;s easier to beat in the general election. I suppose you%26#039;re right, she should be thanking Rush.
Reply:rush wants hillary to win.. so does every other mcain supporter..

a vote for hillary is a vote for mcain .. mcain will beat her in the general election..

fortunatly hillary cannot overcome obama%26#039;s lead in delegates.. unless the super delegates hijack the nomination.. in which case i vote for mcain.. rather have 4 more years of bush.. than support someone who ignored my vote.

plus if mcain wins in 4 years.. if there is still a country left.. it will be in such shambles .. obama will have an easier time.
Reply:Several fruit baskets %26amp; he might lose some of that weight.
Reply:Until this, I thought highly of Rush. He is interested in a McCaine win. I think his listeners are more interested in the %26quot;stop Hillary Express%26quot;.McCaine needs to do his own work. My interest at the ballot box is to vote against Hillary. No matter what, I will and I will live with the choice of the voters that is unless we get bombed by someone crossing the southern border. Then I won%26#039;t live at all.
Reply:Rush Limbaugh doesn%26#039;t have as much influence as he thinks. Hillary didn%26#039;t lose because Rush told Republicans to vote for Hillary. I can%26#039;t believe how out of touch with reality you Republicans are.
Reply:Yes along with some of Bills cigars from that special humidor he has. lol
Reply:That would be nice. God knows it wouldn%26#039;t hurt fatboy rush to back away from the stewpot, and eat more fiber.
Reply:Very few democrats listen to Rush Limbaugh. So the answer is no.
Reply:Sure why not .

I wonder who really listen to Rush anyway ,not me for sure.
Reply:And who would you suggest to be the food tester?
Reply:Thats politics Rush didn%26#039;t GIVE Clinton Texas. Same as saying Latino%26#039;s gave Clinton Texas.
Reply:Rush is a big meanie. He just wants to prolong the %26quot;agony of defeat%26quot;. He also wants to laugh, as the Democrat party continues the dog fight within it%26#039;s ranks.
Reply:Yeah, a rotten fruit basket.
Reply:His career is already over. That%26#039;s what illicit drug use does to a brain. Another Amnesty Bill is in Congress Today to help her win! Rush has defeated McClain!
Reply:Yes and get down on her knees and kiss his big fat behind too.
Reply:Fruit, Cookies, and Vicotin

I%26#039;d like one too.
Reply:No, he obviously won%26#039;t eat the fruit. Maybe a basket full of junk food, cookies, chips, doughnuts, etc.

Actually, a basket full of Oxycondone!
Reply:no she should send him some pain killers since clearly he%26#039;s a big mouth pain in the ***!

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